Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Economic Stimulus Package

Wow - You might be thinking right now "hhm a lot of money has just been thrown on a very big bushfire in order to motivate us all to go out and spend!" Or your just thinking - "Yippee $900 bucks to spend!"

Well spare a thought for our pacific neighbours who on top of struggling with Sea Level rises and severe depreciations in their currencies, have had their largest industry (Tourism) decimated by "the lack of confidence". And too right none of us want to take holidays right now because as the old adage goes. People who holiday in a recession end up with No Job!

So again our South Pacific Communities find they are relying on subsistance and agriculture to sustain their families and their society and culture while ever the temptation is to uproot and head for the Big Smoke.

You might not be planning a long holiday in the tropics this year but why not indulge yourself with some of our luxurious 100% virgin coconut oil and grab a friend to rub it in. At the very least you'll feel like you just stepped out of a tropical Island Spa and you'll be helping keep bread on the table of a family in the pacific.

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